Early Care and Education is one of the most important investments communities can make for the future, ensuring that all children have the best possible start toward a healthy life of learning, achieving, and succeeding.
"Early Childhood Energy"


MN ECFE 50th Anniversary Celebration

Featuring Jenny Heimark, Child Educator: Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) and School Readiness, Detroit Lakes Public SchoolsJenny Heimark, Child Educator, said "I enjoy helping families connect with each other and with resources to support their parenting journeys. I also love providing activities, songs and music and play opportunities for children and their families".

Detroit Lakes ECFE staff Jenny Heimark, Fran Rethwisch, and Jackie Erickson at the recent MN ECFE 50th Anniversary Celebration.
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Shared Services Alliance Pilot Program


Low-cost substitute through Child Care Aware The attached flyer will provide you with the information you need and a link to the provider intake form. Once you complete the quick intake form, you will receive step-by-step instructions from me on how to book a substitute for your family childcare.

Could you use an extra set of hands?

• Whether you need to work on paperwork, run to the store, have an appointment, or attend a child’s activity—WE CAN HELP!

• Book a child care substitute/assistant caregiver for only $5 per hour (half and full days available)

• Training and orientation are provided free of charge, so the substitute gets to know your program and the children in your care

• Becker County pilot program is partnered with licensing for background checks and training

• Opportunity to provide feedback on shaping the pilot program and additional shared services to save money and time

• Questions? Contact Katie at 218.979-0324 or katies@caplp.org

Funded by the State of Minnesota

MNDOH | Licensing help for child care providers

The Department of Human Services (DHS) Licensing Division has a critical role in monitoring and supporting health and safety in approximately 10,600 licensed child care programs in Minnesota. Licensure provides the necessary oversight mechanisms to ensure child care is provided in a healthy and safe environment, provided by qualified people, and can meet the developmental needs of all children in care.

Visit: https://mn.gov/dhs/


Sourcewell is authorized to establish competitively awarded cooperative purchasing contracts on behalf of itself and its participating agencies. Sourcewell follows the competitive contracting law process to solicit, evaluate, and award cooperative purchasing contracts for goods and services.

Visit: https://mn.sourcewell.org/licensing/family-child-care


Wayfinder is a go to one-one resource for family child care or center licensing. The network is staffed by local navigators at regional Child Care Aware of Minnesota agencies and Minnesota Tribal Resources for Early Childhood Care (MNTRECC). Navigators help people in their communities create, sustain, and expand licensed family child care and center-based programs by offering encouragement, support, and connection to the many resources available for child care programs.

Visit: https://www.childcarewayfinder.org/

Brief: https://www.childcareawaremn.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Wayfinder-brief-2023-FINAL-1.pdf

Child Care Aware

Child Care Aware of Minnesota partner agencies support the professional growth of child care providers and programs. Many local services are delivered by an agency in each Region, and some services are coordinated across multiple regions by one agency in each District.

Find your appropriate District and contact information below. You can also call our statewide hotline at 888.291.9811.

Are you Native American child care program or program caring for Native American children? Please contact Minnesota Tribal Resources for Early Childhood Care (MNTRECC) at 218.335.8381 or LeechLakeEarlyChildhoodMNTRECC@gmail.com.


Region 4 - Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin Counties

Maria Steen, Lakes and Prairies Community Action Partnership

Visit: https://www.childcareawaremn.org/
